Wednesday, June 20, 2007


See, the reason why we don't have any pictures together is that we just have the two of us to take pictures...this is Russia, you can't just go handing strangers your camera and asking them to take a picture for you. Anyway, this is Marina, gettin' her drunk on.

So this is all on the Gulf of Finland. I think I'll put more pictures of the Submarine that Marina is dancing with on in a sec. And here's my Russian gettup. Issue is, they say I look like a sketchy cutpurse who's theived his way from Kazakhstan and is looking to make it rich in Peter. The cops ask "Where did you steal this American Passport?" Perfect! The exact impression I was looking to create! Oh, and I wear pointy black leather shoes now. Rock, rock on.

This is a sort of wierd looking Marina on a wreath commemorating the killing of some Finns or something. Actually, the survival of the German blockade, but it works out to the same thing.

1 comment:

peace elizabeth said...

Hey Az! Aunt donna checking in-- I'm glad to see you have made it safely and have a roof over your head. Be safe and send me a note when you can at Much love!