Friday, July 6, 2007


This is a huge statue, I'd estimate that it's about 50 or 60 feet tall, which was built in 1993 and is dedicated to Aleksandr Nevsky, defeater of the Sweets, and the frozen battle on Chudskoe Lake.
This is one of the many ancient churches in Pskov from the mid 1300s. The city builds churches that closely resemble the fortifications for which it is more famous. Note the ax-work on the roof tiles.
There was no normal way up into the walls, but it was possible to climb, and a lot of fun to walk around the old city limits on walls from the 1200s. At several points in the wall, there were very cool-looking bars and nightclubs, but we were only in Pskov for 2 days, so we didn't get a chance to check them out.
This is just to provide some idea of the countryside around Pskov. In the distance, if you enlarge the image, you can see the monument from before. We walked like 8 kilometers through these fields to get there.
This is from the old Kremlin in Pskov.