Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Russian Navy

Well, these guns illustrate quite eloquently Russia's attitude towards the west, pointed as they are towards Finland. The words on the wall read: To the heroic effort of the crew of the Red Flagged Baltic Armada in the Great Patriotic War from 1941-1945. See Marina for scale.

This is just this cool oldschool soviet submarine that is collecting rust near a so-called 'museum' that smells and looks like a toilet in a National Park.
More submarine. It would be a cool desktop.

Yes, this is really how they decided to paint this historical ship that actually races in the European Tall Ships races. It's called the Shtandart, (German for Standard, for all the braindead in the audience), and was built in the time of Peter the Great, at the beginning of the 1700s.

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